ZT <纽约时报>:成吉思汗大扩张过程中的基因传播
Genes on the March
作者:以此类推 发布日期:2012-03-20 浏览:7744
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:以此类推 转载请注明出处
MY mother alwayssaid I must be part Mongolian, because of my lotus-pale complexion and squid-inkblack hair. “Something you’re not telling me?” I was tempted to ask. But I knewshe’d visited Mongolia with my father long after I was born. What I didn’t knowis that one out of every 200 males on earth is related to Genghis Khan.
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:以此类推 转载请注明出处
An internationalteam of geneticists conducting a 10-year study of men living in what once wasthe Mongolian empire has discovered that a surprisingly large number share theidentical Y chromosome, which is passed down only from father to son. Oneindividual’s Y chromosome can be found in 16 million men in Asia, fromManchuria, near the Sea of Japan, to Uzbekistan and Afghanistan in CentralAsia.
The likeliest candidate is Genghis Khan, awarlord who raped and pillaged one town after another, killing all the men andimpregnating the women, sowing his seed from China to eastern Europe. Though legendcredits Genghis Khan with many wives and offspring, he didn’t need to do allthe begetting himself to ensure that his genes would flourish. His sonsinherited the identical Y chromosome from him, as did their sons and theirsons’ sons down a long, winding Silk Road of legitimate and illegitimateprogeny.
His equally warlikeoldest son, Tushi, had 40 legitimate sons (and who knows how manymisbegotten), and his grandson Kublai Khan, who figured so large inMarco Polo’s life, had 22 sons. Their genes scattered exponentially in an everwidening fan, and the process really picked up speed in the 20th century, whencars, trains and airplanes began propelling genes around the planet andstretching the idea of “courting distance,” which used to be only 12 miles —how far a man could ride on horseback to visit his sweetheart and return homethe same day. Now it’s commonplace to have children with someone from thousandsof miles, even half a world, away.
Khan wasn’t tryingto create a world in his image; his fiercest instincts had a mind of their own,and his savage personality spurred them on. Most people don’t run amok onmurderous sprees, thank heavens, but history is awash with Khan-like wars andmayhem. In their wake, gene pools often change. One can onlysurmise that wiping out the genes of others and planting your own (what we callgenocide) must come naturally to our kind, as it does to some other animals,from ants to lions.
Typically,wandering male lions attack a pride, drive off the other males and kill theiroffspring. Then they mate with the females, ensuring that only the invaders’genes will flourish. A colony of ants will slaughter millions of neighbors,provided they’re not family (somehow they can spot or whiff geographicallydistant kin they haven’t met before). Human history is riddled with similardramas, but they are war’s legacy, an unconscious motive, not a blueprint foraction.
Except once. DuringWorld War II, Hitler and his henchmen devised an agenda, bothpolitical and genetic, that was nothing less than the Nazificationof nature. The human cost is well known: the extermination of millions while,in baby farms scattered around Europe, robust SS menand blond, blue-eyed women produced thousands of babies to use as seed stockfor Hitler’s new master race. What’s little known is that their scheme forredesigning nature didn’t stop with people. The best soldiers needed to eat thebest food, which Nazi biology argued could grow only from the purest of seeds.So using eugenics, a method of breeding to emphasize specific traits, the Nazishoped to invade the genetic spirals of evolution, seizecontrol and replace “unfit” foreign crops and livestock with pure ones.
To that end, theycreated an SS commando unit for botanicalcollection, which was ordered to raid the world’s botanical gardens andinstitutes and steal the best specimens. Starting with Poland, they planned onusing slave labor to drain about 100,000 square miles of wetlands. Drainingthe marshes might well have lowered the water table and created a dust bowl,and it would certainly have killed the habitat of wolves, geese, wild boar andmany other native species, but despoilers rarely see downstreamfrom events.
Elsewhere, theNazis proposed planting fo rests to sweeten the climate so that it was morefavorable for their own crops, and they spoke openly about reshapingthe landscape to better suit Nazi ideals. That revision included people,railways, animals and land alike, even the geometry of farm fields (no acuteangles below 70 degrees) and the alignment of trees and shrubs (only onnorth-south or east-west axes). It’s bone-chilling how close they came to afeat of genetic domination that dwarfs all of Genghis Khan’s exploits.
Today, though wedeplore genocide, it stubbornly persists, and we may have our work cut out forus because it seems to tap a deeply rooted drive.But how about the more gradual eradication of genes,without fanfare, perhaps even driven by good motives?
We’re dabbling ineugenics all the time, breeding ideal crops to replace less aesthetic ornutritious or hardy varieties; leveling forests to graze cattle or erectshopping malls and condos; planting groves of a few familiar trees thathomeowners and industries prefer. On factory farms, the animals are nowessentially clones. The same is true in plant nurseries. We’re at a dangerousage in our evolution as a species — clever, headstrong, impulsive and farbetter at tampering with nature than understanding it. Who knows what vanishinglife forms — and their DNA — we may one day regret losing?
When my mother teased about my being part Mongolian, shemay have been right, since Genghis Khan and his clan reached into Russia, homeof some of my ancestors. But I like knowing that the further back one tracesany lineage the narrower the path grows, to the haunt ofjust a few shaggy ancestors, with luck on their side, little gizmos in theircells and a future storied with impulses and choices that will ultimatelydefine them.
1st, Ms. Ackermanlooks nothing like Turko-Mongols. Looks VERY muchSemitic Jewish (Mediterranean in general: Greek/Arab/Sicily).
2nd, to: kumru, ES, Abu al-Sous:recent genetic studies show Jews are Semites. Christians in Europe (Germans,Slavs, Balts, etc.) could always tell Jews when they saw them, even if the Jewsweren't dressed Jewish (same with Gypsies). Turko-Mongolians living in Russiaand Central Asia/Caucasus today, consider the mighty Khazars oneof their ancestors (along with the mightier Mongols). Khazars were mostlyMuslim, Christian, and pagans - only some of their rulers for a short timeannounced Jewishness - when it suited them politically. Stop reading amateur"historians" like Arthur Koestler - they're making money off of you.Also, when Mongols were raping Russians in the 13th/14th/15th cent., Jews werestill in Germany/Poland - they did not fall under Russia until Catherine theGreat annexed Poland. Then, during the 19th cent. and 20th cent. many wealthysecular Jews chose to intermix with non-Jews, like the Ukrainians/Russians, andthats how some of them may have received Asiatic genes. But it wasnt fromKhazars/Mongols - stop taking away the ancestors of living Turko-Mongols andassigning them to someone else for political reasons. It hasn't worked in the20th cent. and it wont work now, especially given the results of the latestgenetics studies. If you want to get your land back, use REAL means - notpseudohistory on the internet.
第二,回复楼下kumru, ES, Abual-Sous等人:最近的遗传学研究表明,犹太人是闪族人,生活在欧洲的基督徒们(德国人、斯拉夫人、波罗的海东南岸立陶宛人、拉脱维亚和爱沙尼亚人)在看到犹太人时总是一眼就可以认出来,即使他们没有穿着传统犹太人的服装(就像吉普赛人一样)。今天,生活在俄罗斯和中亚高加索地区的突厥蒙古人,认为可萨人(译者:即西突厥民族)也可能是他们的祖先(和蒙古人一样可能)。可萨人几乎都是穆斯林、基督徒或异教徒,只有一些他们的统治者曾经因为政治需求在很短的时间里宣布他们是犹太人。不要再看外行的“史学家”诸如亚瑟凯斯特勒之流,他们只是想从你们这里挣钱。同时,从13世纪到15世纪期间,当蒙古人在俄罗斯奸淫掳掠的时候,犹太人还仅仅龟缩在德国和波兰,直到凯瑟琳大帝兼并了波兰。然后,在19世纪和20世纪,许多富有的犹太人选择和非犹太人如乌克兰人和俄罗斯人混居,这就说明了他们中有些人可能已经有了亚洲人的基因,但是不是来自于可萨人或蒙古人。不要因为什么政治原因就去将突厥蒙古人的祖先张冠李戴,在20世纪没有得逞,现在也不会,尤其是最近又有了最新的遗传学研究成果。如果你们想要回你们的领土,就拿出点真手段,不要在互联网上来胡扯假历史。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:以此类推 转载请注明出处
Poor lady. Leastshe could consider the situation around the world in 13th century. As I knowevery one was fighting each other and all kings, riches had may wives, childrenoutside family in any country! Can't compare 20th century murder!
I alreadycommented on this article under my Anglicised name 'Cindy'. Finally,decided that my profile on NYTimes was worth updating with my real name despiteits annoying headline emails which I can't unsubscribe from. Anyway, I am aMongolian living in the UK. I don't worship or vilify Temuujin orChingghis Khaan. He was a significant individual with a big ambition forMongolia and he definitely left his mark in the history not necessarily throughhis 'genes' but by his actions. Again, I very much doubt that he had to 'rape'anyone to have children. The world was under his feet and the kingdoms weresending their princesses to develop familial relationship with him. Theacademics say that the history of Mongol Empire has been written by its victimsnot by victors like many assume and hence the negative stereotype was born. Helived in 13th Century and his actions were not that different from many othercountries who were at war each other around that time. Many argue over how manypeople his conquest killed. No one knows. But a very few interested in how manyhe saved, nurtured, defended and forgave. He has changed the map the world fora better or worse. It is very irresponsible to make assumptions likein this article after centuries of research into Mongol Empire and ChingghisKhaan. If you are interested in more balanced research about the Empire, lookat works of Russian and Central Asian academics such as A.V. Popov, A.M.Posdneev and V.A. Kazakevich etc...
我已经用我的英国名字“cindy”回复了这篇文章,但是,这值得我用真名字在纽约时报我的主页上作更新,虽然令我老火的是它的头条新闻我不能订阅。不管怎么说,我是个生活在英国的蒙古人,我不会赞誉或诋毁铁木真或成吉思汗。他是一个意义非凡的个体,一个对蒙古有远大抱负的人,他的所作所为在历史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔,而不需要靠他的“基因”。再次,我很是怀疑他不得不去奸淫什么人才能有要孩子,事实上,世界在他的脚下,那些王国都想通过他们的公主与他联姻以取得好的关系。学术研究表明蒙古帝国的历史是由战败国编写的而不是帝国自己,所以那些消极的固定模式就产生了。他生活在13世纪,他的行为和许许多多其他国家之间的相互战争没什么两样,有许多人都在辩论在他的征服过程中到底杀死了多少人,没有人知道,而很少有人有兴趣他到底救了多少人,养育了多少人,保卫了多少人和宽恕了多少人。无论如何,他改变了世界的版图。在经过几百年的对于蒙古帝国和成吉思汗的研究,这样的文章真是不可理喻缺乏责任感。如果你真的对帝国中肯的研究感兴趣,请参考俄罗斯和中亚的一些研究机构如A.V. Popov, A.M. Posdneev 和 V.A. Kazakevich等等。
Michael H洛杉矶
This writer appearsto have a very poor grasp of the relevant human history and population geneticsin general. The result is poorly informed and sexist blather.
Oh and thank youto all the commenters for helping me decide on my next audible selection. JackWeatherford's, "Genghis Khan and the making of the Modern World".
James Jordan美国弗吉尼亚
Thought provokingbut a crusher for an idealist who believed that we homo sapiens can eventuallyeliminate war. ... Of even greater concern is how we are applying ourintelligence to monocropping and genetic modification of our food supply. Thereare real concerns in this area. I hope you will devote some of your researchand writing time to these issues. We need a new "Silent Spring" onthe impact of pharmaceuticals and chemicals especially hormones on our foodsupply and the fish in our streams.
This has to beone of the most uneducated diatribes I've read, from such a"respectable" news source and an author who doesn't seem to be acollege student trying to get an A on a history paper due tomorrow.--you know,the kind that just writes what they think without doing even a little bit ofreading. I think even Wikipedia would've sufficed to...educate you onChinggis's story. At first I assumed the raping and pillaging was some sortof...satire? You know, 2012 and all, I almost knew that people were not stillso ignorant about "the tyrant lord 'Genghis' Khan,"the myth stretched out throughout most of white history books to demonize theindividual through largely fiction not fact. Ditto to the Hitler comparison. Ithink your next article should be about a history of African genes and how theywere spread by bone-in-the-nose totting', drum-banging "savages", inline with the academic tone of this article. Good job.
"Khan"isn't a surname. It was Genghis's title as ruler of the Mongols.
Ken Gedan佛罗里达
"and thealignment of trees and shrubs"
Ms. Ackerman,
Is this somehow related to Romney's commentthat "the trees in Michigan are just the right height"? Was Romneysending a political message to the ultra-ultra right-wingers to get a few moreprecious votes?
Is Romney a nut whisperer?
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:以此类推 转载请注明出处
Calling Genghis'conquests "genocide" (genetically motivated massacre), and thereforesubtly comparing him to Hitler, is extremely ignorant. Genghis lived in the13th century medieval period where war and killing was common place. I won'tdeny that Genghis' war tactics were brutal and he was not at all hesitant aboutwiping out cities if necessary, but his motivation was not genes. That was justan after effect. His motivation was to eliminate those who oppose him. Thereare plenty of examples where the opponents were spared, regardless of genes (orreligion for that matter), if they surrendered and cooperated.
As a gifted conqueror, Genghis can be comparedto a wild force of nature, spreading destruction or victory without giving anyconcern to such human matters as race, genetics, religion, cultures orcountries.
In Chinesehistory it is recorded, in a diary of a Chinese traveler to his camp inSamarkand, that Genghis Khan had to be carried out of the harem tents everymorning because he was too weak to walk.
But basically, the killing of male offspringand taking their wives and daughters is nothing new and can also be witnessedin changes in languages and burial customs in early Europe. For example, inBritain the Celtic males were nearly extinguished by invading Germanssupplanting their genes.
但是基本上,杀死男性后代并抢走他们的妻子和女儿早就不是什么新鲜事,据考证,在早期欧洲,甚至改变语言和殉葬风俗。举个例子,因为德国的入侵,意图取代他们的基因,英国的凯尔特人的男性几乎消亡 。
Trish S.美国新泽西
What time periodare you talking about? The Celts were originally Germanic tribes themselves,originating in the areas today known as Bavaria, Austria, Czechoslovakia,Hungary, Serbia, Slovenia, etc. My understanding is they migrated west around3,000-4,000 BCE
Seth Rose亚特兰大
Ms. Ackerman goestoo far. All the bananas we eat are clones and have been for many years. Theyare doing just fine as far as I know the millions of people who enjoy theirsustenance are doing fine eating them. In a world with 7 billion people, howcan one expect to feed so many people without mechanized farming? We have"dabbled in eugenics" for 7-10 thousand years in terms of breedingcrops and livestock. That is what we do.
martin braun火星
Oh God! Here wego again with Hitler's SS baby farms...!
There were no baby farms in Germany, the waythat many ignorant people tell the story. There was a lot of propaganda aboutwomen being wheeled into the delivery room and shouting "Heil Hitler!"as their children were born.
But , sorry, no farms and the Party GauLeiters and especially Hitler , (who refused to have a child at all, because heclaimed that children of Great Men always suffered living the their father'sshadow), would never have approved of such a blatant injection of sex intoNational Socialism.Germans would have said it smacked too much of Hollywood andAmerica;s superficiality and lack of culture.
The Germans DID ,however, pay families where the wives produced large numbers of children. Thisis also true in Israel today, as well.
There were NO sex farms , no hunky(orotherwise) blond haired, blue eyed boys moving from bed to bed. . . Sorry.
Sorry. This is part of wartime propaganda thatgot twisted and never got straightened out.
It is similar to the old saw about eatingcarrots to improve night vision ,which was a piece of brilliant if sillyBritish propaganda, used to fool the Germans for a while about the use of radarin fighter aircraft at night, among other things.
As a result of the [passing of propaganda, therest of the article about Genghiz I now hold to be suspect from an historicalpoint of view.
Wow -- this trulymisunderstands genetics quite deeply. Given the exponential nature ofreproduction, no raping is necessary. Given the male line nature of the Ychromosome, it's not "10%" of males that are descended from someonein the genetic vicinity of Genghis (his father? grandfather?great-grandfather?...) --- but very likely a much, much greater percentage ofthe human race.
Seriously...?!Please read Jack Weatherford before spreading ignorance and stereotypes... Andany member of Eshkhanazi people curious abouttheir "Asian" phenotypes, check out the history of Khazars and theirconversion into Judaism.
Jam One曼谷
This is reallyold news, since the 1990's.
By the way, the one in 200 males on Earthquoted in the article, excludes all males from Africa, most males of Chineseand Indian descent, all Australian and New Zealand Aboriginal males, most ofthe males from the indigenous peoples of North and South America and all themales of the West Asian Arabic tribes. So it is not as prevalent outside theCaucasian male population as the author would imply.
The march of the Mongolian army through thesteppes of Central Asia into Europe explains why the Finnish and Hungarianlanguages are so different from the languages in the neighboring countries. Nowan article explaining these linguistic differences would be much moreinteresting that this one.
What I findbizarre about this post is its similarity to the premise of a long-ago Harper'sarticle by Jack Hitt -- which, lo and behold, was released in book form justlast month. The timing is awfully suspicious.
Deeplydisappointed that NY Times would allow someone to publish her opinions based onfactual, historical inaccuracies. Not only is she insulting a whole host ofnations that are able to be proud of their forefathers after 70 years of notbeing allowed to, but she is also exposing her ignorance. I'm not saying I amnot ignorant, but I think I would at least have the decency to see if myopinions would be extremely offensive to millions of people before publishingthem on NYT.
Ms. Diane Ackerman, if you wish to know aboutthe historically accurate Chinggis Khan and the reverence that Mongolian peoplehold for him from a 100% Mongolian person, please feel free to contact methrough my email supersainaa@yahoo.com
In terms ofmodern day eugenics: Why do you think they refer to it as "POP culture"?It is not only about dominating physical genetic qualities through breeding butdominating the perceptual qualities which leads to "consent" orgenetic success.They can be economic, fashion, etc...your pop culturesensibilities on the surface...How willing you are to go with the crowd.